Aerospace Companies Need Better Content

Marty Berman

No industry is more inspirational or badass than aerospace. You’re creating technology that pushes the limits of human intellect and the laws of physics.

I’d like to humbly lay out why aerospace companies need better content – because what you do deserves it.

Now, I’m not saying great aerospace content isn’t out there. I just want there to be more of it and I’d encourage every aerospace company to be creators of it.

What is “content”?

Content is an article, photo, video, quiz, poll, podcast, a single tweet, or full-on VR experience.

But that’s a long list, hence, content.

Bro, why so obsessed with content?

For three reasons:

  1. It helps your company’s bottom line

  2. It benefits the general public

  3. It’s fun

Let’s discuss.

Content helps your company’s bottom line

It’s expensive building aircraft and rockets. And unless you’re well established, you’re going to need investors.

I’ve seen first hand how good design, strong photography, and succinct copywriting leads to cold, hard cash.

And this is not superficial. It’s not about producing a flashy video, but rather distilling what matters most and presenting it in a way that best lands your message.

Once you’re funded, you’re going to need employees. There is no better way to recruit than with a robust social media presence.

Share your story. Build in public. The transparency is like a tractor beam.

If you share it, they will apply.

So now that you’re funded and you’ve got your kick-ass employees, you need some customers. Content is very helpful to your sales team, but when done right, it is your sales team.

Good content coupled with social media allows you to reach the CEO looking for a new jet as well as the local university professor who needs a CubeSat.

Content benefits the general public

There is a reason our teachers and business leaders are pushing for STEM education. Because we need more engineers! And scientists, and developers, and technicians, etc…

The best way to get people interested in anything is through storytelling. I could go on and on about this but let me just say two words and I think I’ll make my point: Star Wars.

Through content you tell your story.

Through your story you get people excited.

Through that excitement you educate.

And through educating you solve all the world’s problems. Nicely done.

Content is fun

Creating good content is fun for everyone involved.

I’ve interviewed countless people on camera. The trick to a good interview is getting your subject to talk about something they love and then getting out of their way.

What happens is kind of magical. You get great, authentic content, and the interviewee feels fantastic because they’re sharing their passion with an engaged listener.

So that feels good. But then you edit the video and share it with the interviewee and they’re excited again because their face is on a video they can share with others.

That’s a video example, but the same joy happens when an engineer sees a photograph of their hardware shot with the proper camera and lighting.

Obligated to create

The field of aerospace is pretty exclusive. Most jobs require college degrees, many PhD’s.

And if you want to get in the seat of an aircraft, let alone a spacecraft, you’ll need to be in great physical shape and have years of training under your belt.

That’s why I believe aerospace companies are obligated to create content. They have a duty to bring people along for their journeys.

In doing so you create fans, a better business, and dare I say, a more exciting future for our children.

For more content about aerospace content, consider following us on twitter.